Sunday, 19 January 2014

Top 10 Reasons You Should Drink Coffee

Improves Vascular Health
Caffeine present in coffee increases nitric oxide production in the endothelium, which improves vascular muscle tone. Studies suggest that 8 weeks of habitual coffee drinking lowers blood pressure readings significantly.

Improves Cholesterol Health
Coffee, like tea, contains a lot of antioxidants. The ones present in coffee are capable of raising the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), and lowering inflammation related to heart diseases

Improves Reaction Time
A significant number of sports coaches have reported that caffeine in coffee is used by them in improving reaction time on soccer skill tests in athletes when they are sleep deprived.

Reduces Risk of Liver Cancer and Cirrhosis
Coffee contains a substance known as Praxanthine. This chemical slows down the growth of cell tissues in liver cancer and alcohol cirrhosis.

Reduces Risk of Type II Diabetes
Coffee has an inhibitory effect on toxic hIAPP (Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide) formation which is found usually in the pancreas. This hIAPP is found in people having type II diabetes.

Prevents Parkinson’s Disease
Researchers have found that consuming five cups of coffee per day reduces the incidence rates of Parkinson’s disease.

Prevents Dental Cavities
A substance called tannins in coffee reduces the formation of plaque. This certainly prevents a person from having dental cavities. Drinking coffee also reduces the growth of bacteria like Streptococcus which are responsible for tooth decays.

Prevents Headaches
Caffeine present in coffee decreases the size of blood vessels before they can affect nerves in the brain. Hence, drinking coffee in the early stages of a headache minimizes the chances of a severe headache.

Reduces Workout Pain
Consuming caffeinated coffee an hour before vigorous exercise may help prevent pain while you’re working out. Caffeine in coffee blocks the activity of a chemical called adenosine that activates pain receptors in cells.

Keeps Skin Healthy
Coffee is believed to keep the skin
 healthy. Its antioxidants are known to prevent skin cancer and melanoma-related diseases.Coffee helps in getting rid of free radicals in the skin. This reduces the onset of skin-related problems such as acne andeczema.

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